Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Jack's 80th Birthday

Jack Elliott is one of our committed volunteers at the Bothy.  He is 80 next Thursday.  To celebrate him we are having a film night.  We would love the regular film goers at the Bothy to join us. The film is 'What we did on holiday' with Billy Connolly.  There will be drinks, snacks, and cake.  The price is £7.
Phone Moya on 01261 843296 to secure a seat.

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Portsoy mourns John McWilliam & James Morrison

On this day we remember the sacrifice made by John McWilliam, Pte 906, 6th Battalion Gordon Highlanders and by James A. Morrison, L/Cpl 971, also 6th Battalion Gordon Highlanders.  Both were killed in action on 10th February 1915.

John McWilliam lived at Backgreen, Portsoy, and James Morrison lived at 3, Culbert Street, Portsoy.

They are both commemorated at the Rue Petillon cemetery , Fleurbaix, Pas de Calais, France.