Sunday, 19 January 2014

Bothy Ballads and Burns

SAT 8TH FEB.  7pm.
salmon bothy

launch of 5th haal.
titch frier, bill gray, Claire white  – mc, euan mcilwraith. Haggis, neeps, tatties, trifle and a dram – only £12 –
Booking essential – 01261 842571

Bothy Book Festival

Another first for the Bothy.  Moira from the Library has a group planning a Book Festival over the weekend of 14, 15, 16 March.  There will be more details later.

Friday, 17 January 2014

Spanish Classes

Thinking of a new challenge for 2014. There is a new venture at the Salmon Bothy.  Beginners' Conversational Spanish Classes will be held Upstairs at the Bothy on a Thursday afternoon from Thursday 23rd January from 2 - 3.30.  Contact Peter Miller on 01261 843822.