Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Come on Spring Time

Well it’s February already and hopefully spring time is just around the corner. January was its usual cold and bleak self but at the Salmon Bothy it gave us a chance to look forward to the exciting activities that lie ahead.

This week sees the introduction of two new groups at the Bothy - firstly Yoga with Lorna Summers which is now running on Tuesday's at 7.00- 9.00. So if you feel the need to do some stretching and relaxation after a hectic festive season now is the time to start.

The second group is the Family History Saturday Club. This group will have its first meeting this Saturday the 6th Feb at 2pm. It is hoped that we attract a group of like-minded individuals who want to pursue their own family history research but who are willing to share ideas, tips and techniques with others. It is planned to have a different topic/speaker/workshop each time we meet so that people can participate in practical activities as well as learn things they didn't know before about family history research.

In March we will become more cultured than usual with a performance by a group of musicians from the Royal Scottish National Orchestra. We will have the pleasure of hosting a woodwind ensemble for two performances on the 2nd of March - one late afternoon and one in the evening. With the excellent aucoustics in the Bothy, it should be a night to remember. Tickets will go on sale at the Salmon Bothy and online at

At the end of March Portsoy will welcome its first professional theatre company. In association with the Salmon Bothy and North East Arts Touring, Shakespeare vs Shakespeare will be performed by the Charioteer Theatre Company on Friday 26th March at Portsoy Town Hall. Again tickets will go on sale at the Salmon Bothy and online at

We also have our ongoing clubs and activities. The Craft Club will return on 25th Feb, the Camera club is already going strong every second Wednesday evening and the Folk Club is gearing up for a fully fledged music festival in May, not forgetting a special Ballads and Burns night at the Bothy on 26th February. See the Website for more details:

So lots going on and lots that you can get involved in including Volunteering opportunities.

Please pop by the Bothy for more information on anything detailed here.